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academicCalendar 2013-14

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About us
Abhilashi Group of Institutions is the biggest group of the State of Himachal Pradesh which is serving the state and country for last 14 years. The members of management of Abhilashi Group of Institutions are true educationists and have a long experience of service in the field of education in Himachal Pradesh Government.
Abhilashi Group of Institutions, therefore, is dedicated to enrich the state and country by producing real technocrats and true professionals.
Today more than 4500 students from different parts of country are getting their education in various technical and professional courses in Abhilashi Group of Institutions. The success of students in their career is the satisfaction and final goal of Abhilashi Group of Institutions.
Vision: We, the members of Abhilashi Group of Institutions, are committed for providing the best ever technical and professional education to the every students of our country that has been enrolled with us.
We are committed and very much focused for ensuring the best training and further placement of our students so as to make their career a great success.

Mission:           In coming years we are committed to establish Abhilashi Group of Institutions as the premier educational institution of the country and will make tie-ups with the major industrial giants of our country to ensure the high quality training of our students and their further placements at higher salaries.
About the Institute and its achievement

T.R. Abhilashi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tanda, Distt. Mandi came into existence in 2009 under the agies of Genius Educational Society, with a vision and mission “To serve the State and Nation by providing quality in technical & professional education, to all the sections of people”. Since its inception T.R. Abhilashi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tanda, Distt. Mandi has come a long way to mark its presence at national level and with the efforts of its able management and experienced staff. Today around 1200 students from 10 different state of the country are studying in the institute. Many government and private agencies have recognized and awarded the institute from time to time.
T.R. Abhilashi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Tanda, Distt. Mandi has been certified as ISO 9001-2008 by JAZ-ANZ for its quality and well developed infrastructure. Adding golden feather tom its achievements more than 150 students have been placed in different Government and private sectors including 4 Assistant Engineers and 24 junior engineers.

Hence the institute is an ultimate destination for the students who can ensure their carrier and future. 
abhilashi group of institutions mandi
abhilashi group of institutions, mandi

CHAIRMAN's MESSAGE (click here)

SECRETARY's MESSAGE (click here)

DIRECTORs MESSAGE (click here)

Dr. R.K. Abhilashi
We are witnessing changes across frontiers and in all areas of life. Paradigm shifts have never been or regular and frequent as now. And, we are no exception.
Standards of performance are being redefined and reassessed keeping face with the ever changing and unpredictable market forces.
TRAMIET selected innovation and creativity to be the guiding forces of our vision to create a hub of higher education. With this in mind, we have marched steadily towards our aim to provide responsible citizens who will participate in nation building.
Education is our religion and quality is our motto, is the driving force motivating the society to work with total commitment towards excellence in every endeavor. It seeks to develop in each member of its organization the ability and passion to work wisely creatively and effectively for the betterment of humankind. I invite you to have a peep into the world of TRAMIET and it shall be my pleasure to have you visit us at your convenience.
Dr. R.K. Abhilashi

Mr. L.K Abhilashi
A key career choice often shapes a pupil’s future. My vision about TRAMIET is to merge as a “center of excellence” in technical education. I welcome you to TRAMIET where we merge technical education with industry interaction. TRAMIET also gives the students the opportunity to expand knowledge and explore new field of interest.
We are committed towards providing quality education to the students and infuse in them the spirit of surpassing their own previous achievements.
Reputed multinational and renowned core sector organizations will be visiting our institute in future for campus interview. Development is a continuous process at TRAMIET and our aim is to strive for excellence.
Mr. L.K Abhilashi

Engineering education must evolve to keep pace with mighty changes occurring today in business, industry, and society. Engineers must develop attributes and knowledge beyond traditional constraints of the classroom. Engineering education must be designed to accommodate current trends and future needs. We must enhance the flexibility of curricula. Engineering education must create more connections and stronger partnership with the global society in which we are embedded. We must examine the relevance of curricula and strive for fulfillment of college & professional missions. Our goal is to articulate the role of engineering education in the early part of the 21st century and to establish design specifications that will enable our college to be a leader in shaping the future of engineering education. As such we have an obligation to address the full range of higher education, namely: teaching and learning, research, and service to the community. Indeed these three elements must totally integrate if we are to be effective in the pursuit of our mission.
Engineering and technology play a dominant role in manufacturing or processing associated with agricultural products. It should also be clear that engineering expertise and technology are major contributors to mining, construction, and transportation and infrastructure. Use of current technologies and creation of new technologies are at the heart of the engineering profession. Again, engineering education must be intimately familiar with the “business” of innovation.
Teamwork and partnership is another major element in our design of engineering education. The team we now envision is a partnership of scientists, engineers, business people, and society’s leaders. It is through these partnerships that the rapid pace and increasing complexity of technology designed to serve society will flourish.
My message for the students who join TRAMIET is:
TR abhilashi engineering college mandi
Be flexible in the face of rapid changes in society and technology.  
TR abhilashi engineering college mandi
Embrace and encourage creative problem solving.  
TR abhilashi engineering college mandi
Facilitate the ability to integrate complex systems and technology.  
TR abhilashi engineering college mandi
Seek partnerships with a variety of engineering and science disciplines, with business, with leaders in education, with government, and the greater community.  
I extend a very warm welcome to all the students who wish to join TRAMIET from forthcoming academic session. I assure all of you that you will be fully equipped with state- of-art theoretical knowledge, innovative and creative practical skills and entrepreneurial attitudes to achieve a brilliant success in life.
I wish grand success to all of you and your endeavour of higher technical education at TRAMIET.
Shrikant Shukla(Ph.D)

The Fourth Box
Morbi feugiat mauris at velit. Proin rutrum lectus. Proin pulvinar turpis tempor nibh. Cras sit amet magna sed risus tempor vestibulum. Nunc vitae nulla. Vivamus fermentum. Praesent a sem. Cras eu neque ultricies tellus tristique vehicula. Praesent dignissim consequat metus. Integer dolor. Donec pellentesque, libero eu ullamcorper suscipit, lorem augue molestie arcu, vitae sodales quam nulla vel urna. Suspendisse accumsan sem nec leo. Proin dui ante, placerat id, consectetuer et, gravida in, velit. Duis non massa. Etiam mollis. Vestibulum id est. Sed sit amet tellus. Vestibulum varius dolor vitae velit.

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